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Rudraksha Mala Small

Explore the Spiritual and Healing Benefits.

Price: ₹1200

Category: Rudraksha

Product Code: 14049070

Availibility: In Stock

  • Helps to reduce Stress levels and increase inner calmness.
  • Supports Purification and Detoxification.
  • Increases Balanced Energy Levels.
  • Supports Physical Healing.
  • Enhances Spiritual Growth.

Rudraksha beads are highly revered in Hinduism and are believed to possess numerous spiritual and health benefits. These beads are the seeds of the fruit from the Rudraksha tree, which is primarily found in the Himalayan region, as well as in parts of Southeast Asia, Indonesia, and Nepal. Rudraksha beads are traditionally worn as necklaces, bracelets, or malas (prayer beads) by sages, yogis, and spiritual seekers for their supposed healing and meditative properties. These Rudraksha are carefully selected, consecrated and blessed by Guru Mitreshiva.

SIZE: DIA 4 – 4.5 mm


WEIGHT: 10 g 

Natural Rudraksha Bead.

Rudraksha should always be worn around the neck. But before wearing it for the first time, it should be conditioned by immersing it in ghee for 24 hours and then soaking it in milk for the next 24 hours. Then rinse the Rudraksha with water and wipe using a clean cloth.

Maintenance: Rudraksha beads are considered sacred and should be treated with respect. Avoid wearing the Rudraksha while bathing, sleeping, or during any impure activities. It is advisable to remove it and place it in a clean and sacred space during such times.
