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Matangi Silver Electroformed Idol

Bringing Beauty, Blessings, and Beyond.

Price: ₹3000

Category: Vigraha

Product Code: 970300

Availibility: Out of Stock

  • Brings blessings and protection to your journeys.
  • Infuses your travels with spiritual energy and grace.
  • Perfect for car dashboard decoration.
  • Enhances the spiritual ambiance of your vehicle.

The "Matangi" Electroformed Idol is meticulously crafted with intricate detail, designed to bring blessings and protection to your journeys. Small and lightweight, it's perfect for adorning your car dashboard, infusing your travels with spiritual energy and grace.

SIZE: DIA 6 cm, HEIGHT 8.5 cm. 

WEIGHT: 45 g

Pure Silver

  • Place the idol on your car dashboard or any preferred location.
  • Ensure it is securely positioned to prevent movement during travel. 

  • Wipe with soft and clean cloth.
  • Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive material.
  • Handle with care to maintain its intricate detailing.
